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Le DGR des T. Once trained, managers will [ De cette manière, vous n'êtes maintenant plus dans l'obligation d'utiliser le jailbreak. Toutes les fonctions ne sont pas disponibles lorsque vous espionner un iPhone sans le jailbreak. Seules quelques options sont actives mais, ces fonctionnalités couvrent les bonnes bases de la surveillance.


Désormais, les utilisateurs de SpyMaster Pro ont donc deux options concernant la surveillance des appareils iOS. At some points, especially when a system has been newly deployed or is experiencing problems, it might be necessary to gather extended data on a more frequent basis. At other times, it should be possible to revert to capturing a base level of essential information to verify that the system is functioning properly.

Additionally, the entire monitoring process should be considered a live, ongoing solution that's subject to fine-tuning and improvements as a result of feedback. For example, you might start with measuring many factors to determine system health. Analysis over time might lead to a refinement as you discard measures that aren't relevant, enabling you to more precisely focus on the data that you need while minimizing background noise.

Les informations utilisées par le processus de surveillance peuvent provenir de plusieurs sources, comme illustré dans la figure 1. The information that the monitoring process uses can come from several sources, as illustrated in Figure 1. At the application level, information comes from trace logs incorporated into the code of the system. Les développeurs doivent suivre une approche standard pour effectuer le suivi du flux de contrôle via leur code. Developers should follow a standard approach for tracking the flow of control through their code.

For example, an entry to a method can emit a trace message that specifies the name of the method, the current time, the value of each parameter, and any other pertinent information. Recording the entry and exit times can also prove useful. You should log all exceptions and warnings, and ensure that you retain a full trace of any nested exceptions and warnings. Ideally, you should also capture information that identifies the user who is running the code, together with activity correlation information to track requests as they pass through the system. And you should log attempts to access all resources such as message queues, databases, files, and other dependent services.

This information can be used for metering and auditing purposes. Many applications use libraries and frameworks to perform common tasks such as accessing a data store or communicating over a network. Ces infrastructures peuvent être configurables pour renvoyer leurs propres messages de suivi et les informations de diagnostic brutes, comme les taux de transactions ainsi que les réussites et échecs de transmission de données.

These frameworks might be configurable to provide their own trace messages and raw diagnostic information, such as transaction rates and data transmission successes and failures.

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Many modern frameworks automatically publish performance and trace events. Capturing this information is simply a matter of providing a means to retrieve and store it where it can be processed and analyzed.

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  5. Operating system errors such as the failure to open a file correctly might also be reported. You should also consider the underlying infrastructure and components on which your system runs. Virtual machines, virtual networks, and storage services can all be sources of important infrastructure-level performance counters and other diagnostic data.

    If your application uses other external services, such as a web server or database management system, these services might publish their own trace information, logs, and performance counters. As the components of a system are modified and new versions are deployed, it's important to be able to attribute issues, events, and metrics to each version.

    This information should be tied back to the release pipeline so that problems with a specific version of a component can be tracked quickly and rectified. Des problèmes de sécurité peuvent se produire à tout moment dans le système.

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    Security issues might occur at any point in the system. Par exemple, un utilisateur peut tenter de se connecter avec un identifiant utilisateur ou un mot de passe non valides. For example, a user might attempt to sign in with an invalid user ID or password. Or a user might provide an invalid or outdated key to access encrypted information. Des informations relatives à la sécurité pour les demandes réussies et échouées doivent toujours être consignées.

    Security-related information for successful and failing requests should always be logged. This strategy uses internal sources within the application, application frameworks, operating system, and infrastructure. The application code can generate its own monitoring data at notable points during the lifecycle of a client request.

    The application can include tracing statements that might be selectively enabled or disabled as circumstances dictate. It might also be possible to inject diagnostics dynamically by using a diagnostics framework. These frameworks typically provide plug-ins that can attach to various instrumentation points in your code and capture trace data at these points. Les agents de surveillance configurés pour écouter ces événements peuvent enregistrer les informations sur ces événements.

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    Monitoring agents that are configured to listen for these events can record the event information. Surveillance des utilisateurs réels. Real user monitoring. This approach records the interactions between a user and the application and observes the flow of each request and response. This information can have a two-fold purpose: it can be used for metering usage by each user, and it can be used to determine whether users are receiving a suitable quality of service for example, fast response times, low latency, and minimal errors.

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    Vous pouvez utiliser les données capturées pour identifier les zones préoccupantes dans lesquelles les échecs se produisent le plus souvent. You can use the captured data to identify areas of concern where failures occur most often. You can also use the data to identify elements where the system slows down, possibly due to hotspots in the application or some other form of bottleneck. If you implement this approach carefully, it might be possible to reconstruct users' flows through the application for debugging and testing purposes.

    Vous devez savoir que les données capturées en surveillant les utilisateurs réels peuvent être très sensibles, car elles peuvent contenir des éléments confidentiels. You should consider the data that's captured by monitoring real users to be highly sensitive because it might include confidential material. Si vous enregistrez des données capturées, stockez-les en toute sécurité. If you save captured data, store it securely.

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    If you want to use the data for performance monitoring or debugging purposes, strip out all personally identifiable information first. Surveillance des utilisateurs synthétiques. Synthetic user monitoring. In this approach, you write your own test client that simulates a user and performs a configurable but typical series of operations. You can track the performance of the test client to help determine the state of the system. You can also use multiple instances of the test client as part of a load-testing operation to establish how the system responds under stress, and what sort of monitoring output is generated under these conditions.